About Me

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Dawn is a watercolor and collage artist, writer, Host of #JournalChat Live and Creative and Social Media Consultant. She enjoys sharing insights, humor, and encouragement as she shares from her life experiences. She enjoys keeping a journal and reading spiritual texts to help keep the light on. Hope you enjoy perusing the blog posts and in the process, get to know her a bit better. Enjoy your stay!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Themed Inspiration: A Penguin Party!

I thought this penguin themed party was the cutest, from the decorations to the cupcakes and then some. But I think what inspired me most about Noah's First Birthday Party: Penguin Style was the celebratory aspect of friends and family for this one-year-old named Noah with his parents, Abby and Rick. This was the perfect birthday story of how one life can change another for the better in ways that are just awesome and wonderful.

This post truly inspired me with the application of what makes a child truly special--one of a kind--in reference to The Birthday Wall and how we can show this clearly as a visual in ways that help our children understand how much we love and appreciate them. Noah's story is a perfect example.

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