About Me

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Dawn is a watercolor and collage artist, writer, Host of #JournalChat Live and Creative and Social Media Consultant. She enjoys sharing insights, humor, and encouragement as she shares from her life experiences. She enjoys keeping a journal and reading spiritual texts to help keep the light on. Hope you enjoy perusing the blog posts and in the process, get to know her a bit better. Enjoy your stay!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Birthday Science Synopsis!

Next time you're planning a birthday party for your child, consider the possibilities a little experimenting can do! Angie Lee at Seven Clown Circus blog shares with many color photos the fabulous science themed ideas she used recently at her 7-year-old twins' birthday party. From fun foods to food coloring, she really brought out the FUN in science. And it was a true hit in the neighborhood!

When you create a birthday wall for your child, you may find some awesome ideas percolating that have a experimental flair to them. What has your child discovered in their past year about themselves and the world around them? Feature photos, games, and friends who were alongside during these discoveries, showcasing what really matters to your child with fun and pizzazz!

It's time to experiment!

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